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Our programs are tailored to the unique goals of individuals and their families, focusing on five key areas:

Safety and Security: Ensuring a safe confidential service, dedicated case manager, achieving goals such as I.D. Tax Number and Bank Account, driving license, tattoo removal and Health checks, cancer screening, hearing, vision and dental.

Family Connections: Re-connecting and Strengthening relationships and connections with whānau.

Employment and Training: Facilitating sustainable employment and training opportunities.

Community Engagement: Building connections with health, social and education providers, sports clubs, and other community resources; Housing, MSD, Oranga Tamariki, Bail Support.

The duration of each program varies based on the needs of participants and their whanau. Contact us for more information or to express interest in any of our programs.

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Kahikatea Services, is a collaboration with Ara Poutama Aotearoa (Department of Corrections). We facilitate the reintegration of Tane and wahine who whakapapa to the Kahungunu and Tairāwhiti rohe. This partnership targets Māori individuals within the Judicial or Corrections systems those imprisoned or remanded in the community, to be supported with a dedicated Case Manger to develop their own individual re-integration plan. While the focus is on those with ancestral connections to Kahungunu and Tairāwhiti, the service also extends its support to Tane and wahine from other areas who require assistance in their rehabilitation and reintegration efforts. Kahikatea Services aims to provide a Kaupapa Māori service, culturally tailored support to individual and whanau needs. Kahikatea Services offers a variety of programs, including, Bail Support, transitional housing, whanau support, re-engagement with whanau and community, health, education and social support.

Here's a breakdown

Te Whare Oranga Ake:  a success Kaupapa Māori service that provides a 24-bed self-care facility located at the Hawke’s Bay Regional Prison. A Case Manager is assigned to Tane serving sentences longer than two years, to transition back into their community. Māori Philosophy enhances service planning. Mana Tane: Tane identify own goals and re-integration plan, education and employment.  Mana Whanau; Establishing strong whanau support. Mana Wairua: Identifying spiritual and holistic well-being. Mana Hinengaro:  Maintaining health and wellness.  

Te Hokinga Mai (Out of Gate): This program provides community-based support for men and women serving sentences of less than two years, assisting their transition back into society after release.

Te Hiringa (Supported Transitional Accommodation): Successful re-integration depends on factors such as 24 hr., supported safe transitional housing. This service ensures individuals have the necessary assistance to maintain their parole conditions, rebuild their lives and re-connect with whanau and their communities, supported by a dedicated case manager.

Te Whare Hāpai Tangata (Youth Program): Tailored for young men aged 17-24, this program is available both in prison and in the community, providing crucial support during a critical phase of their lives.By offering this comprehensive range of services, Kahikatea Services aims to address the diverse needs of the community they serve, supporting individuals and families in their journey toward rehabilitation and reintegration.

The House of Continuing Wellness - Te Whare Oranga Ake is a culturally grounded program developed in collaboration with Kahungunu Health Services - Choices and Ara Poutama Aotearoa (Department of Corrections). It is specifically designed for men who are serving prison sentences exceeding two years and who trace their ancestry to Ngāti Kahungunu and Ngāti Porou. However, men from other regions may be considered based on availability.Te Whare Oranga Ake comprises a 24-bed facility organized into six self-contained units, each accommodating up to four men. The program's core emphasis lies in facilitating reintegration, fostering self-management skills, and cultivating an environment that reinforces societal norms.

The program is designed to empower men to create a safe, practical, and offense-free plan for their reintegration into their chosen communities. It offers a diverse range of activities tailored to support men transitioning from prison to their homes.

Here's a breakdown of what the program entails:

Whanau Reconnection: Facilitating the rebuilding of family connections, recognizing the importance of familial support in successful reintegration.

Driving Lessons / Licensing (Car, Motorbike, Truck): Providing practical skills and access to resources necessary for independent transportation, which is crucial for accessing opportunities post-release.

Opening a Bank Account and Accessing Online Banking Platforms: Assisting in financial literacy and enabling individuals to manage their finances independently, fostering financial stability.

Applying for Photo Identification: Ensuring individuals have the necessary identification documents required for accessing services and opportunities in society.

AAC Counseling: Offering counseling and support services tailored to the needs of individuals, addressing any underlying issues and promoting mental well-being.

Strengthening Community Supports: Connecting individuals with local community resources and networks to provide ongoing support and assistance.

Obtaining GP Service: Ensuring access to essential healthcare services, promoting physical well-being and addressing any health-related concerns.

Developing Life Skills and Resisting Reoffending: Equipping individuals with the necessary skills and tools to lead fulfilling lives and avoid reoffending, promoting long-term rehabilitation and community safety.By emphasizing community-based activities and support systems, the program aims to facilitate a smooth transition for men back into society, enabling them to lead productive and law-abiding lives after release from prison.

Te Hokinga Mai, which began on July 1st, 2020, targets over 400 men and women annually who are serving sentences of two years or less. It operates as a 'light touch' service initially, focusing on pre-release and post-release support to ensure individuals are linked with the benefits system, have stable housing, and their basic needs are addressed. However, as a kaupapa Māori provider, we have expanded this service beyond these basics. We are deeply committed to working with both individuals and their families in a more supportive manner. Through our approach, we aim to make significant progress in assessing and engaging with men who recognize the value of Te Hokinga Mai.

Prison-Based Remand Program: This program is tailored for men in custody awaiting trial or sentencing. It focuses on guiding them through the process of reintegration, utilizing the 5 Pou framework of Kahungunu Health Services. Additionally, participants are familiarized with the range of services offered by Kahungunu Health Services, setting a foundation for their post-release support.

Community Reintegration Service: Upon release, our team of Pou manaaki (support pillars) assists men and women in implementing their reintegration plans within the community. This support is crucial for a smooth transition back into society.Te Hokinga Mai holds special significance for Kahungunu Health Services as it marks our inaugural partnership with Te Rununga o Turanganui a Kiwa, representing the major iwi of the East Coast including Turanganui Ngai Tamanuhiri, Rongowhakaata, Te Aitanga a Mahaki, and Te Runanganui a Ngāti Porou. This collaboration strengthens our commitment to providing comprehensive support to our communities.

Te Hiringa is a five-bedroom facility that emerged from the Whare Oranga Ake. It includes a live-in Whare Matua (House Parent) and offers reintegration support. The concept was born from the pressing issue of insufficient housing options for men upon their release from prison. Previously, men were waiting between 12–18 months to secure suitable housing. Additionally, many were being released to inadequate accommodations that were either overcrowded, unsafe, or increased the risk of recidivism.

Te Hiringa, a name graciously bestowed upon us by our esteemed colleague Hōri Reti, embodies a crucial phase in the journey of our men's lives. It signifies a time where resilience, vitality, determination, and inspiration converge, both as necessities and as outcomes. Te Hiringa provides a sanctuary for reflection, protection, and the cultivation of future prospects, fostering a space for planning and innovation to flourish.

This short to medium-term accommodation aligns with the five pillars of Kahungunu Health Services:

Te Pae Āhuru Mōwai (The Sheltering Horizon): Ensuring a safe and supportive living environment.

Te Pae Whakapapa (The Ancestral Horizon): Facilitating strong connections within families, fostering health and well-being.

Te Pae Tiakitanga (The Nurturing Horizon): Supporting individuals to thrive in a changing world.

Te Pae Ōhanga (The Economic Horizon): Realizing employment and training opportunities for sustainable futures.

Te Pae Hononga (The Connecting Horizon): Restoring community ties for vibrant collective well-being. Dedicated Matua, within Te Hiringa, support Tane and their whanau. Together, they devise comprehensive plans and provide assistance in securing sustainable housing solutions for when Tane transition out of Te Hiringa. This personalized approach ensures that individuals are equipped with the necessary resources, skills and support networks to navigate their journey towards economic and financial stability, and fulfillment.

Paiheretia Te Muka Tangata is an intense reintegration support service for both Ngā Tāne, Ngā wahine and their whānau.

Our Paiheretia Kaiarataki (case worker) offer a range of support services to help Tane, wahine and whanau navigate their journey within the judicial system, including corrections. Special conditions apply, please contact for further information regarding eligibility.

Judicial Plan Assistance:
We help you develop a personalized plan to navigate the judicial system and to guide your progress, including legal support.

Goal Setting and Achievement:
We assist in setting achievable goals and provide resources to help you reach them.

Motivational Support:
Our team encourages you to go the extra mile, pushing past barriers to ensure success.

Whānau Dreams and Aspirations:
We work with Tane, Wahine and whanau to build and fulfill their dreams and aspirations for a healthy future.

Strength Identification:
We help identify strengths, and cultural aspirations to empower whanau in their journey.

Needs and Issues Resolution:
Our support extends to addressing the complex social, financial and educational needs and issues impacting on Māori within the corrections or judicial systems.

Cultural Connection Strengthening:
We guide you in strengthening cultural connections, whanau empowerment, and healthy relationships thereby fostering a sense of belonging and cultural identity.

Introducing Te Whare Hāpai Tangata which is a program aimed at uplifting youth. This initiative, conducted in partnership with Kahungunu Health Services – Choices and Ara Poutama Aotearoa (Department of Corrections), targets young men aged 19-24. It operates at a medium intensity and is designed for those serving community and prison-based sentences.

The 12-week programme integrates Māori models such as Te Whare Tapa Wha and Te Tuakiri O Te Tangata with psychological models. Its primary goal is to provide support for young men in exploring their identity while equipping them with the necessary skills to lead fulfilling lives and steer clear of offending behaviors. Central to the programme are Pūrākau, traditional Māori narratives, which are utilized to reinforce the skills and knowledge acquired. Additionally, experiential activities conducted outside the classroom serve to further embed new learnings and skills tailored to both individual and group needs. A key aspect of the programme is its comprehensive wraparound and reintegration component, which encompasses whānau (family) engagement, assistance with housing, employment, and addressing other individual or group needs. The programme is structured around six modules or kaupapa, each focusing on a distinct aspect: Whakawhanaungatanga (building relationships), Wairua (spirituality), Hinengaro (mental health), Whānau (family), Tinana (physical health), and Weaving it all together, providing a holistic approach to personal development and growth.

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