
Our Stop Smoking Cessation Programme aims to assist you to give up smoking completely. You will have the opportunity to work alongside a free Smoke-free Practitioner who will support you in designing and executing your plan to quit. Your Practitioner will visit you in the comfort of your home or at a  Choices clinic for the initial assessment and further visits at weeks 1, 2, 4 and 8. Free Nappies worth $500 for those who Quit in pregnancy.

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Quit Smoking

We will discuss:

What products you have used in the past
Available NRT products / treatments here in NZ, how they work, their effectiveness, the side effects, and other important details
Assess your smoking habit, using a smokerlyzer  that measures your level of carbon monoxide in your system
The cost of the NRT products if any and how to use them correctly
With treatment, understanding addictions.
Advantages and disadvantages of treatments
Withdrawal symptoms
Your goals to stop smoking
The benefits of being smoke-free
Tips to become smoke-free
Your quit date
Ongoing Monitoring CO readings

Smoke-free Pregnancy Programme
The eight week wāhine hapū smoke-free pregnancy programme aims for all participants to work alongside a free Smoking Cessation Practitioner. The criteria to enrol is that you must be a current smoker from the start of the programme. Stop Smoking Cessation Programme, includes the initial assessment and then weeks 1, 2, 4 and 8 for CO testing, reduced levels equals Pac N Save vouchers and $500 Nappies, Special conditions apply.

Sign up

Access to this service can be by self-referral. Drop in or call our office at our main office on 605 Karamu Road North, Hastings. We also accept all external referrals from other Health Providers.

Get in contact

Get in touch

We're here to assist you. Contact us during business hours via phone or email, or drop by our clinic. Our map makes it easy to find us. We look forward to helping you on your path to better health.